Thursday, April 24, 2014

Entertainment vs Fashion

Article no. 010

What The Entertainment Industry Can Learn From The Fashion Industry

from the worth-readingdept
The entertainment industry and those who support it insist that they must control the output of musicians or there simply is no way to make money. There are plenty of examples of why that's not true, and here is a great one. The fashion industry is also based on the concept of intellectual creativity - and there are many similarities between the fashion and the entertainment industry. However, the fashion industry, unlike the entertainment industry realizes that locking up creativity is impossible - and even trying to do so only ends up doing much more harm than good.

 Instead, they understand their marketplace, and are constantly innovating and pushing the boundary to create new and better things. On top of that, they understand the power of brand and marketing - and know that people will pay much more for a brand, not just a design. Even more to the point, they understand that the industry as a whole does much better when their "content" gets spread far and wide - even if not directly by them - and when they continually build off of each others creative works. What a concept! The entire article is worth reading, but here's a great quote that pulls it all together: "Through fashion we have a ringside seat on the ecology of creativity in a world of networked communication.

 Ideas arise, evolve through collaboration, gain currency through exposure, mutate in new directions, and diffuse through imitation. The constant borrowing, repurposing, and transformation of prior work are as integral to creativity in music and film as they are to fashion." Clearly, the entertainment industry could learn a thing or two from all of this - but, instead, they'll stay closed minded, fighting themselves to the end. In the meantime, we all suffer.



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