Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Lessons of a former Village Boy

Article no. 008

Poor black people don’t work?: Lessons of a former Village boy

I grew up in a village where everyone hustled. The work ethic that helped my dream also got me to the city 

Don't just dream at night, dream all day, all the time, and if you push yourself, that dream can become a reality. 

Why worry about your background?
I grown up strong Benet with my mother's strength, her responsibilities was to make sure we eat, we dress and we have a good education. It was not easy especial for a person living in one of the villages in Tanzania where there is no electricity, water and health care. But I grew up to meet my dream whoever i never accomplished my dream career but am still chasing my dream. And I can also tell you,you don't have to be rich to start over, all you need is the information.

Why are you seating back watching? Think of where you are from and where you are going, bring the giant within you, be a volcano.  I once met a quote which says that " If you are not standing for something you will fall of anything" so please stand for something. You can decide to do either of the two; to find your place in the society or create one. There is always a voice within you and its calling you with a loud voice, that we call Talent or Natural gift if you want. Talent can help you build your life. You only need to invest time and passion.

Why should you do that?

You deserve better as a human and  don't hope that people will feel sorry for you, no one is going to help you for that reason. Do something to full fill your dream, do something that will finally earn you a living and not only that you will be helping yourself but also people around you whom you think deserves your concern. There is a list of people looking at you so if you don't succeed they won't succeed either.

Where do I start?
You may be asking yourself where to start, start by making a choice. Your choice will be your faith to live on as they have said "A person who does not believe lives in fear" there will be no fear again so you can enjoy while building your future. Making a choice is number one as no one can direct you if yourself don't know where you are heading, so that's your map even when floods comes be like a might liver go back and follow your stream. Then there is one thing you can do even when you are not good financially and that's learning. Acquire knowledge as much as possible especially on your particular field.



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